During the Carnival in RONCIGLIONE, a squad of light cavalry-men wearing uniforms of French Hussars, is the guard of honour to King Carnival and opens the race of the Barberi.
This squad has Hungarian origin; according to some sources, the word “huszard” means “the 20th”: in fact, in Hungary in the xv century, during the wars against the Turks, each village had to enroll one man in twenty completely equipped, armed and with a horse. This military force, soon acquired high reputation all over Europe. The Hussars were never employed in battles, but, above all, were assigned to activities of exploration and to escort convoys.
Their uniform is quite characteristic and richly elaborate, similarly to the long plaits hanging along the face, the pigtail on their nape, the long moustache.
The link between the squad of Hussars and the Carnival in RONCIGLIONE can be found - according to the tradition – in the story of the officer commanding the garrison at the Vatican border, to show himself to his lover, escorted with his men all the celebrations of the Carnival in RONCIGLIONE.